Marriage on The Moon

“Tu B’Av” is the greatest Jewish holiday most Jews have never heard of. It’s the day that our tradition openly addresses the longing for of a loving, intimate relationship.

Like other holidays (Sukot, Passover), it coincides with a full moon. Unlike, those other holidays, the full moon of Tu B’Av follows just a few days after the saddest and most painful day of the Jewish calendar – Tisha B’Av.

Therefore it’s light offers a unique glow; one that emerges from the pit of darkness and whispers: “Pain is difficult but it is not the end, it is only a step, part of a divine, deepening, transformative process which we call growth.

No wonder our tradition connects this day to the power and commitment of marriage. Pain and disconnection do happen, but only for the sake of the light and love they can lead to.