That’s a Lot of ‘Do Nots’!
“Love your fellow as yourself”, finally something we can…
Compassion Cures (Tazria-Metzorah)
The diagnosis of the spiritual skin affliction known as “tzaraat”’can…
Because That’s How I Feel! (Shemini)
It’s the 1st day of the month of Nissan and the divine presence…
The Song of Sacrifice (Tzav)
This week's Torah portion continues to describe the…
You Called? (Vayikra)
"And He called to Moses and God spoke to him..." (Leviticus 1:1)
The “Shabbat” of Parenting (Vayakel-Pekudei)
In this parsha the mishkan (tabernacle), the home for the divine…
The Half Shekel Mindset (Ki Tisa)
The Jews are commanded to submit to a census by donating a half…
The Power of Loss (Terumah)
A parent’s job description is to nurture and guide a child…
Journey Forward (Beshalach)
“…Why do you cry out to Me…Let them journey forward!”…
Teaching Compassion (Shemot)
“…And Moses matured and went out to his brethren and he empathized…